Moving into a rest home or residential care facility is a significant decision that often comes with financial implications.

At Sweetman Law, we understand the complexities surrounding the costs and funding options involved in this process. Our team is here to provide you with expert advice and support, ensuring you and your family have a clear understanding of the financial aspects associated with rest home care.

Our services in this area include advising on:

  • Residential Care Subsidy: We can advise you on the asset threshold limits and help you understand how they may impact your eligibility for a residential care subsidy.

  • Residential Care Loan Applications: If you do not qualify for a residential care subsidy, we can provide guidance on applying for a residential care loan. We will explain the terms and conditions of such loans, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial circumstances.

  • Impact of Gifting on Residential Care Subsidy: Previous gifting to a family trust can have implications on your eligibility for the residential care subsidy. We can assess your specific situation, consider any exemptions that may apply, and provide advice on how to navigate this complex area.